November 8, 2020

Upcoming Events and Notices

We have resumed in-person worship service. Please join us for worship at 11 AM. We request all adults and older children to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.

We will livestream this week's service via YouTube here. If technical issues prevent the livestream, a video of the service will be available later in the day. Further information will be made available Sunday afternoon via a separate email.

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

The November 1, 2020 sermon, Isaiah 3–4. "God Is Able" is available on our church website. You can also catch up on older sermons from our Sermon page and subscribe to sermon podcast here.

November 11 (Wednesday 7 PM): Please join us for for “Knowing God” Zoom study. This week’s study will cover chapter 9 — “God Only Wise.” Meeting ID: 831 0828 6050.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please continue to mail in your gifts and offerings to our church treasurer, Bruce Summers. In addition, our church website now features online giving. Please visit the church website and click on "Give" which you will find in the upper left corner of our church's website. When you click on "Give Online Now" button on that page, you will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).

Before We Worship

Who ends up becoming the President of the United States is not nearly as important as who sits on Heaven's Throne. It sounds so obvious, doesn't it? But we actually forget this quite readily, and we need to be reminded.

It is, indeed, a great blessing that citizens can vote and choose their leaders. That, unfortunately, also means that our leaders reflect the wisdom/foolishness of the voters. But our Sovereign King does not derive his authority from man. Nor is our Heavenly King swayed by the fickle and often unrighteous demands of mankind. Our King is holy and just. He reigns with wisdom. His throne endures forever while man's kingdoms rise and fall. And unlike our earthly leaders, our King never makes false promises and he never misleads us.

What happens in this world and in our nation is important, and God commands us to pray for our leaders. But we surely need a spiritual and mental reset. Our God reigns, and he will reign forever. Let us, then, love the kingdoms with appropriate measure of passion. We must love our nation and seek its good. But we must love God's kingdom and seek its good with a far greater passion and zeal.