12 for 18

It happens every year, doesn’t it? We are surprised every time one year comes to an end. Where did time go? Tempus fugit! It is true. Time flies. So here we are, with the year 2017 almost over, thinking about and planning for the year 2018. Do you have any plans or aspirations for the coming new year?

Of course, as Christians one of our ever-present aspirations is to grow in the Lord. We want to grow, not only for our own edification, but also for the good of the body of Christ. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, the fruit of our growing maturity will bless our family members and sweeten the care of our brothers and sisters.

To that end, we are beginning a new project for the year 2018, 12 for 18. We will read one book each month together as a church, and thus in the course of the next year cover a wide-ranging topics that deal with understanding our faith in a deeper way, that equip us to better communicate our faith, and which will encourage us to live joyfully for the Lord. I invite you to join us as we read these books together. Lord willing, we will devote the last Sunday of each month to talk about these books during our scheduled Sunday School / catechism hour.

Now a note about where to buy the books. You will note that most of the books below are linked to the Westminster Theological Seminary Bookstore. The rest are linked to their Amazon pages. You will find that WTSBooks.com often offer better price than Amazon. You will find WTSBooks a good place to find God-honoring books, and a bookstore well-worth supporting.

Ken Han


Sinclair Ferguson — From the Mouth of God


R. C. Sproul — The Holiness of God


Tish Harrison Warren — Liturgy of the Ordinary


C. S. Lewis — Mere Christianity


Herman Selderhuis — Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography


David Murray — Reset: Living a Grace-Paced Life in a Burnout Culture


Tim Keller — Every Good Endeavor


John Buynan — The Pilgrim’s Progress


W. Robert Godfrey — Learning to Love the Psalms


Jared C. Wilson — The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together


Sinclair Ferguson — Child in the Manger