November 15, 2020

Upcoming Events and Notices

This week San Diego Country was placed back in the highest COVID-19 risk category of Purple/Widespread. The State of California guidelines for San Diego County states that all worship services should be conducted outdoor. And given the challenges of weather and logistics, we have made the decision to return to hold our Lord's Day worship service online only.

Please join us 10 AM, November 15, for worship. You can participate in this week's service via YouTube here. If technical issues prevent the livestream, a video of the service will be available later in the day. Further information will be made available Sunday afternoon via a separate email.

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

November 18 (Wednesday 7 PM): Please join us for for "Knowing God" Zoom study. This week's study will cover chapter 10 — "God's Wisdom and Ours." Meeting ID: 831 0828 6050.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please continue to mail in your gifts and offerings to our church treasurer, Bruce Summers. In addition, our church website now features online giving. Please visit the church website and click on "Give" which you will find in the upper left corner of our church's website. When you click on "Give Online Now" button on that page, you will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).

Before We Worship

During this past Wednesday's Knowing God study, we saw how useful theology is for our daily lives. This week's study was on God's attribute of wisdom. But in the course of our study we were tremendously edified as we learned about how God's wisdom is a very present help in our many and various trials. We learned that God does not use his infinite wisdom and power to make this fallen world comfortable. Instead, he is guiding all the affairs of our lives, both pleasant and difficult, to produce godliness in us. And, of course, we remember that godliness is not just a posture. Godliness means having a relationship with God that is filled with mutual love and enjoyment. Indeed, is there anything we desire more?

God's wisdom in our many trials is what we strive to remember and experience. We are all suffering many and various things. But God is always good. And he always gives us ample reasons to give thanks and to find encouragement. That is, if we can quiet the noise around us long enough to listen and reflect! May the Lord give us such a time of noise-overcoming calm, peace that conquers all our fears.