12 for 21

It is more important than ever for Christians to be mature in thinking. There is disorder in society, false teaching in churches, and numerous distractions that keep us from being useful to our neighbors. We must read.

Reading good books is more than the means of pursuing person growth. Reading good books is an act of love towards our neighbors. Reading good books will make us humble. It will inform and equip us. No serious-minded Christian can afford to not read.

I invite you once again to join me as we read 12 books for the year 2021. This year we are following a modified schedule. We will be reading seven books together. But there are also five additional books listed for those of you who would like a little extra challenge.


Iain H. Murray — "Amy Carmichael — Beauty for Ashes" Amazon, Banner, WTSBooks.

February — March

Dane Ortlund — "Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers" Amazon, WTSBooks.


Iain Duguid — "The Whole Armor of God: How Christ's Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare" Amazon, WTSBooks.

May – June

Sinclair Ferguson — "Devoted to God's church" Amazon, Banner, WTSBooks.

July – August

John Currid — "The Case for Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Historical Record of God's Old Testament People" Amazon, WTSBooks.

September – October

J. Alsdair Groves — "Untangling Emotions" Amazon, WTSBooks.

November – December

Leon Morris — "The Atonement: Its Meaning & Significance" Amazon, WTSBooks.


Carl Trueman — "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution" Amazon, WTSBooks.

Sinclair Ferguson — "Maturity" Amazon, Banner, WTSBooks.

Augustine — "The Confessions" Amazon, WTSBooks.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer — "The Cost of Discipleship" Amazon, WTSBooks.

Stephen J. Nichols — "Pages from Church History" Amazon.