March 17, 2024

March 17 — 11 AM Worship

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

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Jeremiah 31:31–34 is the announcement of the New Covenant. This covenant will be unlike the covenant God made with Israel at the time of the Exodus. That old covenant had the law written on tablets of stone and was often violated. But this new covenant will be written on our hearts. In this new covenant God's people will love God from their heart. The old covenant and its practice of repeated sacrifices were constant reminders of sin. But the new covenant will be different: "For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

For Jeremiah's audience this promise was both unfulfilled and unexplained. But we are able to look at the promise from the vantage point of fulfillment. For the new covenant promise was pointing to Jesus in whom all our sins are forgiven and forgotten! Indeed, because of what Jesus has done we are able to approach God with confidence. It is through Jesus we love God from the heart. Indeed, Jesus radically changes both the quality and motivation behind our obedience to God.

In John 12:20–33 we see both the quality and the motivation of Jesus' obedience to the Father. As to quality, it was of the highest caliber in which Jesus offered God no hesitation or reservation. As to motivation, it was for God's glory. "Father, glorify your name." Our New Covenant Head is truly worthy of our love and honor. Jesus also shows us the path forward. "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him."

What greater life aspiration can we have than to receive honor from God? May we wholeheartedly and without reservation embrace the blessing and the calling of the new covenant.

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Growth Resources

12 for 24: Please see the full list of 2024 books as well as Bible reading plans on our church webpage.

March 2024: We are reading "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis.

This Week: We encourage you to make use of:

  1. We encourage you to watch R.C. Sproul explain the Roman Catholic View of Justification: Part 1 and Part 2.
  2. We encourage you to make use of 12 for 24 and read 12 books that will help us grow.
  3. Past sermons are available on our church webpage:

Upcoming Events and Notices

March 17 (Lord’s Day): Please join us for Sunday School lesson on Legalism. Also April 7 (Antinomianism) and April 21 (Assurance of Salvation).

March 24 (Lord's Day): Please join us for the annual congregational meeting for the purpose of adopting a new budget for the fiscal year 2024–25. All communicant members are requested to attend.

March 29 (Friday 6 PM): Please join us for Good Friday meditations at the Suchoski home.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please visit and click on "Give Online Now." You will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).