February 4, 2024

February 4 — 11 AM Worship

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

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Has God forgotten me? Does he care?

These are the questions we ask in our suffering. We pray, but God does not answer. We seek his presence, but he feels so far. We feel alone and abandoned.

Isaiah 40:21–31 is God's comfort to people who were asking these very questions. Thus the LORD asks, "Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God"?" Yet there is unmistakable tenderness in the LORD's question. "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength." Our God's response to our weakness is neither wrath nor disappointment. He sees that we are fainting, and with compassion gives us strength. And in this passage that strength comes in the form of remembering God's unmatched power with which he cares for his people. "Even youths shall faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

Are you weary? Have you become faint because of life's many afflictions? Take heart in your Father who cares deeply for you. Draw near him and be renewed.

Consider also Mark 1:29–39 as you draw near God. God's Law humbles us to the dust and leads us to repentance. But there are no commands or duties to be fulfilled in this passage. What we see instead is Jesus healing the sick. And notice his healing ministry both prefaces and is indicative of the motive behind Jesus' preaching ministry. Jesus' healing of the sick and setting free those oppressed by the demons show Jesus' compassion for the suffering. Paul put it so well: "God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance" (Romans 2:4). Indeed, the Lord's kindness and mercy are the chief motivation behind Jesus' words, "Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out."

See, then, the kindness and mercy of the Lord. Draw near him. Unburden yourself the sin and shame you carry. Lay them down at the foot of the cross. And Jesus will give you grace.

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Growth Resources

12 for 24: Please see the full list of 2024 books as well as Bible reading plans on our church webpage.

February 2024: We are reading "The Whole Christ" by Sinclair Ferguson.

This Week: We encourage you to make use of:

  1. We encourage you to learn about The Feasts of Israel: Discovering Deuteronomy with W. Robert Godfrey from Dr. Godfrey.
  2. We encourage you to make use of 12 for 24 and read 12 books that will help us grow.
  3. Past sermons are available on our church webpage: gracefallbrook.church/sermons.

Upcoming Events and Notices

February 4 (Lord's Day): Please join us for Sunday School lesson from "Essential Truths of the Christian Faith" Ch. 25 "The Deity of Christ." Also February 18.

February 7 (Wednesday 6:30 PM): Please join us as we study James 5:7–12. Zoom Meeting ID: 882 4255 0244.

February 11 (Lord's Day): Please join us for our monthly fellowship lunch.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please visit gracefallbrook.church/give and click on "Give Online Now." You will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).