January 28, 2024

January 28 — 11 AM Worship

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

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This week we reflect upon Deuteronomy 18:15–20 to prepare our hearts for worship. Moses reminds Israel of their frightening encounter with God at Mt. Horeb. The coming of the LORD was accompanied by thunder and consuming fire. And the people of Israel realized that the close presence of the LORD was a threat to their lives as sinners in the presence of a holy God. And Israel begged for a mediator to stand in between God and them. God agreed that the request for a mediator was wise.

And now Moses, in full awareness of his approaching death, is mindful of the future of Israel. How will Israel fare once Moses is gone? Thus Moses reminds Israel of God's promise to send a mediator, and pleads with Israel to listen to him. Moses, after many decades of working with ungrateful and recalcitrant people, knew that Israel's only hope was for a Mediator better than himself, one who could change the hardened hearts in ways that he never could. Moses' hope was in Christ. And our hope is in Christ, the Mediator in whom the holy God and sinful mankind can meet and be reconciled. Would you listen to Jesus as Moses pleaded with Israel?

Next we turn to Mark 1:21–28. It was immediately apparent to everyone who saw and heard Jesus that God's word was in his mouth and he spoke with authority. This, indeed, was what Moses said would happen (Deut 18:15–20). And Jesus' authority was such that even the unclean spirit obeyed with fear. This caused the crowd to ask, "What is this? A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him." Indeed! When even beings of great power obey Jesus with fear, how laughable, and sad, that creatures of dust such as you and I do not obey Jesus!

Thus we repent. We have not obeyed Jesus faithfully. But we repent with hope, knowing that he has come to give sinners hope and life. If we repent, he will forgive.

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Growth Resources

12 for 24: Please see the full list of 2024 books as well as Bible reading plans on our church webpage.

January 2024: We are reading "A Little Book on the Christian Life" by John Calvin.

This Week: We encourage you to make use of:

  1. We encourage you to learn about The Feasts of Israel from Dr. Godfrey.
  2. We encourage you to make use of 12 for 24 and read 12 books that will help us grow.
  3. Past sermons are available on our church webpage: gracefallbrook.church/sermons.

Upcoming Events and Notices

January 28 (Lord's Day): Please join us for Sunday School lesson from "Essential Truths of the Christian Faith" Ch. 24 "Covenant of Works." Also February 4.

January 31 (Wednesday 6:30 PM): Please join us as we study James 5:1–6. Zoom Meeting ID: 882 4255 0244.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please visit gracefallbrook.church/give and click on "Give Online Now." You will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).