March 19, 2023

March 19 — 11 AM Worship

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

This week we reflect upon Jesus' three-fold offices as Prophet, Priest, and King. In the first passage, Psalm 110, we see that the Lord is both the king who holds the scepter as well as an eternal priest "after the order of Melchizedek." The name "Melchizedek" itself means "the king of righteousness." As king he executes justice and rules over those who offer themselves gladly to his reign. As priest he cleanses the earth, making it a place fit for God's dwelling. The second passage, Hebrews 10, reflects further upon the priestly ministry of the Lord. Jesus offered his own body as sacrifice that we, the believers, might be constituted as as holy people and made a place for the Spirit's dwelling.

The use of the word "offices" is a little bit unfortunate, because it lends to this whole discussion an air of something stuffy, bureaucratic, and maybe even a little impersonal. But notice the way the Heidelberg Catechism describes these things sweetly as the ways that Jesus loves us. As Prophet Jesus "reveals to us" God's love which circumstances of life and the devil's schemes hide from our view. As Priest he "pleads our cause." As King he "guards us and keeps us." In other words, a whole world of grace opens up to us when we come to know Jesus as our Prophet, Priest, and King!

Growth Resources

This Year: Please see the full list of 2023 books as well as Bible reading plans on our church webpage:

This Month: We are reading "The Shadow of Calvary" by Hugh Martin.

This Week: We encourage you to make use of:

  1. Kevin DeYoung's "The Good News We Almost Forgot" pages 66–69, Lord's Day 12, for personal or family devotions.
  2. "Select Letters of John Newton," Letter 7 (pages 46–52), "On the Snares and Difficulties Attending the Ministry of the Gospel."

Hymn of the Week: "Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul" by Anne Steele is a hymn for the broken hearted people, crushed by life's heavy burdens, and yet still clinging to God in faith. In this sad world we live in we need hymns like this. We can be honest with God when our hope is fainting, and know that God is neither angry nor disappointed with our weakness, but invites us to pour out our heart to him. "Hast Thou not bid me seek Thy face, and shall I seek in vain? And can the ear of sovereign grace, be deaf when I complain? No, still the ear of sovereign grace, attends the mourner's prayer. Oh may I ever find access, to breathe my sorrows there." YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify.

Last week's sermon is available on our church webpage:

Upcoming Events and Notices

March 19 (Lord's Day): Please join us for the "Essential Truths of the Christian Faith" for Sunday School lesson:"Special Revelation and the Bible."

March 18 (Saturday 9–12:30 PM): Dr. Sinclair Ferguson will give the Den Dulk Lectures at Westminster Seminary California. The lectures are open to the public and free. The lectures will also be livestreamed.

March 22 (Wednesday 6:30–7:30 PM): Please join us for a Zoom Study on Hugh Martin's "The Shadow of Calvary." Reading the book is not required. Also meeting: April 12, 19, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, and June 7. Zoom Meeting ID: 826 5163 2741.

March 26 (Lord's Day): All communicant members are requested to attend the annual congregational meeting for the purpose of presenting and adopting the budget for fiscal year 23–24.

April 2 (Lord’s Day): On February 6 Turkey and Syria suffered a devastating series of earthquakes, resulting in the loss of many lives and a widespread destruction. Our church will be sending a compassionate gift from our general fund. If you would like to add towards this gift, please designate your gift as “Earthquake relief” by April 2.

April 7 (Good Friday, 7PM): Please join us at the Ligtenberg home for Good Friday meditations.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please visit and click on "Give Online Now." You will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).