June 11, 2023

June 11 — 11 AM Worship

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

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"I believe I will go to heaven because I have done my best and I have been a good person." Perhaps you, like me, have heard such a statement, or some version of it. If we were to give a name to the sentiment behind this statement, it would be "legalism."

Legalism is an attempt, and its attendant conviction, that a person can be right with God on the basis of his life, and that the quality of their life can be of such a quality as to merit temporal blessing and eternal life. But Scriptures directly contradict legalism. Deuteronomy 6:24–25 is one such example. "And it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to do all this commandment before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us." The only lifestyle that God considers righteous is a life lived in absolute perfection, in flawless obedience to all of God's commandments, faithful both to the letter and the spirit of the law, in which a person has obeyed the Law with unwavering love for the Lord and his neighbor, both in action and in thought, every second of his life without exception. The righteous person is one who has obeyed all of God's law, performing everything required of him, neglecting nothing whether intentionally or unintentionally. That is, if anyone thinks he has lived his life so well that God is obligated to reward him, well, then that person neither knows God nor himself. Legalism is a terrible foundation upon which to build.

But a lively faith in Jesus Christ produces good works which adorn our profession of faith. When we live to please God, not in order that we may earn his favor, but because we have received his grace, then our living for God's glory is not legalism, but gratitude in action. And, surely, a faith that is not evidenced by gratitude is a dead faith. That is, if we are alive in Christ, then our lives will bear pleasing fruit for God.

But, if you are reading this, you already know this. And if you are still reading this, the burden that you carry is not so much that you disagree with anything here, but because you believe and agree. You are concerned that you are not bearing fruit, and you may be wondering if grace is truly present in your heart.

Here is good news for you. We build on the rock of Jesus Christ. By faith we are in Jesus Christ who bore fruit in our place and for us. By faith all of Jesus' fruitfulness are credited to us, and we are accounted fruitful for Christ's sake. This is where we begin every morning, and where we return every evening. We have nothing apart from Jesus. We have everything in Jesus.

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Growth Resources

This Year: Please see the full list of 2023 books as well as Bible reading plans on our church webpage: gracefallbrook.church/12-for-23

This Month: For June we are reading "The Legacy of John Calvin: His Influence on the Modern World" by David W. Hall.

This Week: We encourage you to make use of:

  1. Kevin DeYoung's "The Good News We Almost Forgot" pages 118–121, Lord's Day 24, for personal or family devotions.
  2. "Select Letters of John Newton," Letter 19 (pages 124–130), "Man in his Fallen Estate (2)."

Hymn of the Week: "Rock of Ages When the Day Seems Long" by Sandra McCracken and Kevin Twit. I love the title of this song. Some days feel longer than others. And on those days we all need to be reminded of God's strong grace. So this song says, "Rock of Ages, when the day seems long, from this labor and this heartache, I have come. The skies will wear out, but you remain the same. Rock of Ages, I praise your name." YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify.

Last week's sermon is available on our church webpage: gracefallbrook.church/sermons.

Upcoming Events and Notices

June 11 (Lord's Day): Please join us for fellowship potluck lunch.

June 14 (Wednesday 6:30–7:30 PM): Please join us for a Zoom Study on Hugh Martin's "The Shadow of Calvary" chapter 13, "Condemned! There Is Therefore…" Reading the book is not required. Zoom Meeting ID: 826 5163 2741. Passcode: 156751.

June 25 (Lord's Day): Please join us for the "Essential Truths of the Christian Faith" for Sunday School lesson: Ch.8 "Interpreting the Bible." Also July 2.

July 31–August 3: The Southwest Reformed Youth Camp will take place at Palomar Christian Conference Center in Palomar Mountain. This Reformed Christian Youth Camp is for junior high and high school students.This year's focus will be on Christ - the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Thank you for your continued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please visit gracefallbrook.church/give and click on "Give Online Now." You will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you can give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).