September 20, 2020

Upcoming Events and Notices

We have resumed in-person worship service. Please join us for worship at 11 AM. We request all adults and older children to wear a mask and maintain social distancing.

You can find the order of worship and songs here.

The September 13, 2020 sermon, Proverbs 3:27–28. "Love Your Neighbors As Yourself" is available on our church website. You can also catch up on older sermons from our Sermon page and subscribe to sermon podcast here.

September 23 (Wednesday 7 PM): We will begin a new online study series based on J.I. Packer's "Knowing God." Please join us via Zooom. We encourage you to read "Chapter Two: The People Who Know Their God" for this week's study.

Thank you for your coninued support of Grace Fallbrook (PCA). Your loving support makes the proclamation of the gospel and the building up of the saints possible. Please continue to mail in your gifts and offerings to our church treasurer, Bruce Summers. In addition, our church website now features online giving. Please visit the church website and click on "Give" which you will find in the upper left corner of our church's website. When you click on "Give Online Now" button on that page, you will be directed to the PCA Foundation where you give towards Grace Fallbrook (PCA).

Before We Worship

We are going to resume the sacrament of the Lord's Supper this week. Here are some things I encourage you to keep in mind as you partake in the Lord's Supper.

First, the practical matters. We will be using prepackaged wafer and juice packets for the Lord's Supper. Our hope is to resume our normal practice at some point. But for now, using the prepackaged communion helps us to better manage person-to-person safety issues. Please note that each cup has two lids — a very thin first layer which contains the wafer, and the second layer for the juice. The ushers will handle the distribution of the elements.

Second, some matters related to preparation. One of the chief functions of the Lord's Supper is to create and sustain the covenant community. This is why when the Lord's Supper is rightly understood, it is never practiced apart from the public preaching of the Word and it is not practiced in individual and private settings except in cases of extraordinary providence, such as for the ill and the shut-in. The Lord's Supper, while it has tremendous blessing and implication for our personal relationship with Jesus, has also profound implications for the life of the church lived as a corporate body. Our prayer, then, is that as we partake of the Supper this week, it will give us a fresh and new opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of the body of Christ, and rejoice together in our shared faith.